Pattern and cost of growth and nutrient deposition in fish and shrimp: Potential implications and applications


  • Dominique P. Bureau University of Guelph
  • Paula A. Azevedo University of Guelph
  • Mireya Tapia-Salazar Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • Gérard Cuzon Centre Océanologique du Pacifique

Palabras clave:

Growth, nutrient deposition, cost, fish, shrimp


Growth is a factor of prime importance in aquaculture. A better understanding of growth
could result in significant benefits in terms of productivity, sustainability and profitability for aquaculture
operations, provided this greater understanding is translated into relevant and simple applications. The use
of growth models, for example, offers an objective and practical way of describing pattern of growth and
predicting production. Growth involves the accretion of body components. The amounts of body
components deposited and the cost of depositing these components are the main factors determining feed
requirement and waste outputs of fish, shrimp and other aquatic animals. This paper examines growth and
nutrients deposition and utilization of fish and, to some extent, shrimp under aquaculture conditions.
Simple approaches or models for describing and predicting growth, body composition, and feed requirement
of fish and shrimp under aquaculture conditions are presented.


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Cómo citar

P. Bureau, D., A. Azevedo, P., Tapia-Salazar, M., & Cuzon, G. (2019). Pattern and cost of growth and nutrient deposition in fish and shrimp: Potential implications and applications. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de

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