Bait and Ornamental Fish Nutrition


  • Rebecca Lochmann University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
  • Harold Phillips University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff


Small fish produced specifically for anglers to attract food or game fishes are referred to as “baitfish”. This review
addresses the nutrition and feeding practices for the three main species cultured in the U.S.: the golden shiner,
Notemigonus crysoleucas, goldfish, Carassius auratus, and fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas. Goldfish and
“rosy red” fathead minnows may also be marketed as “feeder” fish for piscivorous pets, and goldfish can be
marketed as ornamental fish. In addition, fathead minnow is widely used as a toxicological and biomedical model.
Multiple approaches are used to study nutrition in bait and ornamental fishes, as some spend most of their lives in
ponds with access to live and prepared foods, while others are confined to aquaria and totally dependent on
prepared diets. The nutritional and economic considerations are different in these scenarios, and diets must be
developed and refined to address these diverse needs. Most of the research on bait and ornamental fishes has
focused on macronutrients. Vitamin research has begun, but mineral nutrition is virtually unaddressed. In addition,
research on feed additives (e.g., prebiotics and probiotics) that have the potential to enhance hardiness and prolong
survival of bait and ornamental fishes throughout the production and marketing cycles has been initiated.


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Cómo citar

Lochmann, R., & Phillips, H. (2019). Bait and Ornamental Fish Nutrition. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de