Change in Protein Digestion Capacity During Juvenile Fish Ontogeny: Approach on Spotted Rose Snapper (Lutjanus guttatus)
Proteases, enzyme characterization, electrophoresis, in vitro digestibility, Lutjanidae.Abstract
Aquaculture is facing a challenge in order to search new alternative nutritional sources to generate highly
digestible and profitable diets for aquaculture species. In addition, the understanding of changes in digestive
capacity in fish species with aquaculture potential is of relevance importance, as the capacity of assimilation
of different nutrients may change during the juvenile development of the species. Numerous research has
been focused on understanding the changes and adaptations of the development and capacities of the digestive
system during the early ontogeny of fish, minimizing the importance of possible changes during juvenile
ontogeny, as a trigger for the grow-out efficiency increase in fish culture.
Thus, few studies address the digestive changes during juvenile fish ontogeny and their implications in the
ability to assimilate different nutritional sources, considering that there should be no changes during this
stage, which in general represents the period of grow-out until commercial size, prior to their reproductive
The present work deals with the importance to characterize changes the digestive capacity during grow-out on
the spotted rose snapper (Lutjanus guttatus). Comparative studies of juvenile sizes of the species (20 to 400
grams) have shown existence of changes in the optimum alkaline protease activity, as well as a diversification
and increase in the number of digestive enzymes of the alkaline phase in relation to juvenile ontogeny,
resulting in changes of in vitro hydrolysis degree and total release of amino acids from different protein
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