Studies on the Physiology of Atractosteus Spatula Larval Development and Its Applications to Early Weaning Onto Artificial Diets
alligator gar, larval development, morphology, physiology, enzymes, hormones, nutritionAbstract
This paper describes the strategy utilized for the domestication of the alligator gar
(Atractosteus spatula), highlighting different aspects of larval development and the
weaning of larvae onto artificial diets. Developmental stages based on nutritional
characteristics were established. Lecithotrophic stage was observed between 1–4 days after
hatching (DAH) larvae, lecithoexotrophic stage between 5–8 DAH larvae and the
exotrophic stage initiates in 9 DAH larvae. The degree of development for alligator gar
larvae could be differentiated by snout length. In addition, pigmentation could be easily
used to separate individuals in poor condition. Growth rate of alligator gar larvae was 1.55
mm/day during the first 10 DAH and 5.6 mm/day thereafter until 15 DAH. RIA analyses
showed that T3 levels are low during embryonic development, but increase after hatching,
until 10 DAH, decreasing thereafter. The effect of thyroidian hormones and goitrogens on
larval development was evaluated. Snout length was significantly reduced in larvae treated
with thiourea without affecting growth, whereas in larvae treated with T3 snout
development was accelerated. Histological assessment of the development of the digestive
tract revealed that at the onset of exogenous feeding (5DAH) the digestive tract was
completely developed. Measurement of mid-gut cell height was valuable tool for evaluating
the suitability of diets. Additionally, the ontogeny of digestive enzymes was characterized.
Pepsin-like acid proteolytic activity was detected from the beginning of exogenous feeding
(5 DAH). Trypsin, chymiotrypsin and aminopeptidase-like alkaline proteolytic activity
gradually increased between 2-9 DAH. Substrate-gel electrophoresis was utilized to
confirm and further characterize digestive enzyme activity. Growth hormone coding
sequence was obtained by RT-PCR and its expression was detected in embryos and in
several larval stages, revealing an important role during embryogenesis and organogenesis.
RNA/DNA ratios were determined and proven to be a useful indicator of larval nutritional
condition. In fed larvae RNA/DNA ratio rose until the 13 DAH, while in starved larvae the
ratio RNA/DNA was low and remained constant. Three feeding experiments were carried
out and some important characteristics of artificial diets were identified, namely floatability
and size. The results of the feeding trials made it possible to culture larvae and juveniles
using exclusively artificial diets.
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