Strategies of Dietary Supplementation for Health Management of Hybrid Striped Bass Morone Chrysops X M. Saxatilis: A Review of Research at Texas A&M University


  • Peng Li Texas A&M University System
  • Delbert M. Gatlin III Texas A&M University System

Palabras clave:

immunonutrient, immunostimulant, health, hybrid striped bass, Morone


A series of experiments has been conducted with hybrid striped bass in our laboratory to evaluate several
different dietary additives that may influence immune response and disease resistance. These include glucans,
levamisole, partially autolyzed brewers yeast, oligonucleotides and a yeast-based prebiotic mixture. Some of
these supplements such as brewers yeast at 2% of diet significantly enhanced blood neutrophil oxidative
radical and extracellular superoxide anion production of head kidney macrophages as well as enhanced
resistance to S. iniae. Additional experiments confirmed this observation in sub-adult hybrid striped bass and
showed some protection against M. marinum after an in situ infection. The prebiotic Grobiotics®-A, a mixture
of partially autolyzed brewers yeast, dairy ingredient components and dried fermentation products, provided a
surprisingly enhanced growth and feed efficiency hybrid striped bass as well as immunostimulation and
enhanced resistance to S. inae and M. marinum when included at 2% of diet. Dietary nucleotides also have
been demonstrated to enhance neutrophil function and resistance of hybrid striped bass to S. iniae infection,
although the mechanisms behind these phenomena are not well defined.
Although the concept of functional feeds is novel to the aquaculture industry, it represents an emerging new
paradigm to develop diets that extend beyond satisfying basic nutritional requirements of the cultured
organism. Our observation with hybrid striped bass have shown that research in this area is worthy to pursue
further and may be very helpful for the industry.



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Cómo citar

Li, P., & M. Gatlin III, D. (2019). Strategies of Dietary Supplementation for Health Management of Hybrid Striped Bass Morone Chrysops X M. Saxatilis: A Review of Research at Texas A&M University. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de

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