Raw Ingredients for Marine Aquaculture Fish
Raw ingredients, apparently routine topic and a risk for a recycling of data, are in reality
becoming more and more important. It brings many additional constraints to the formulator.
Just because consumers protection against dioxine, BSE, immunostimulants, or projection
to 2010 concerning fishmeal utilization in aquaculture, will lead to eliminate some products
or to replace others. Meat and bone meal, fishmeal and fish oil are particularly concerned.
So aside from conventional protein sources, many ingredients especially from plant origin
are tested and it opens up a new era for nutritional research. A short review of common
ingredients for shrimp and fish brings new recommendations, evidences old papers, triggers
the feed manufacturer, makes appear new set of additives (amino acids, attractants,
concentrates, pigments,…) to face challenges of fast growing fish and shrimp in different
culture systems. Biosecurity measures add up some considerations on the pertinence of
recycling aquaculture by-products. Then from a routine topic, it comes up a fascinating one,
which combines contribution from farmers, from manufacturers, scientists, and in particular
nutritionists, all tended to make the best combination at a minimum price. Outlines of the
paper were set to sum up 5 years research on sea bass culture (Aquacop, 1989-94) and draw
a comparative approach (sea bass, snook, red drum) from an ADC point of view,
optimum P/E at different stage of development : larvae, weaning, fingerlings at nursery,
juveniles and grow-out making emphasis on animal vs plant protein : soybean meal with
nutritional aspects and appetibility, fishmeal and fish oil criteria to end up with breeders
requirement and feeding.
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