Replacement of fishmeal with poultry byproduct meal and meat and bone meal in shrimp, tilapia and trout diets


  • Y. Yu National Renderers Association, Inc.

Palabras clave:

Poultry byproduct meal, meat and bone meal, fishmeal substitution, shrimp, tilapia, trout.


Meat and bone meal (MBM) and poultry byproduct meal (PBM) are logical candidates for substituting
fish meal in diets for carnivorous and omnivorous aquacultural species, for reasons of product of animal
origin, nutritional composition, and price and supply advantages over fish meal (FM). Evaluation for
effectiveness of substitution should be largely based on matching of digestible amino acids content and
the requirement of the target species, and the growth performance from the feeding trials.
Supplementation of crystalline amino acids is recommended when amino acids imbalance has arised.
Results of most feeding trials indicate that replacement of FM with MBM and PBM has minimal effect
on feed consumption, survival rate, carcass composition and taste characteristics for white shrimp,
tilapia and trout. Optimum FM replacement rates for MBM and PBM in shrimp, tilapia and trout diets
are 50, 60, 50% for MBM, and 70, 80, 80% for PBM. The recommended inclusion rates of MBM and
PBM in shrimp, tilapia and trout are 15-20, 6, 20% for MBM, and 18-25, 8, 25% for PBM. Diets must
be formulated with sufficient essential fatty acids.



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Cómo citar

Yu, Y. (2019). Replacement of fishmeal with poultry byproduct meal and meat and bone meal in shrimp, tilapia and trout diets. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de

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