The Use of Soy Protein in Aquafeeds


  • Yueming Dersjant-Li ADM Specialty Ingredients Division


Traditionally, fish meal is the main dietary protein source in fish feed formulation,
especially for carnivorous fish species such as salmon and eel. In general, fish feed contains
5 to 50% of fish meal and shrimp feed contains marine animal protein at a level between
30-50%. The rapid development of aquaculture will result in a high demand and a shortage
of supply for fish meal. Besides of the limited availability, fishmeal is also a relatively
expensive ingredient in aquafeed. Furthermore, the quality of fishmeal can vary to a large
extent, concerning to nutritional composition, pathogen and contamination of biogenic
amines. Many researches, therefore, have been conducted to search alternative protein
sources as replacement of fishmeal in aquafeeds.
In shrimp and carnivorous fish species, the replacement of fishmeal by plant protein
sources has only achieved limited success. Fish, compared with pigs and poultry, can not
utilize carbohydrates as an energy source efficiently. Carnivorous fish species and young
animals require good quality and highly digestible protein source in their feed.
Among plant protein ingredients, soybean meal is considered as the most nutritive plant
protein source. However, the high concentration of anti nutritional factors limited the
inclusion levels of soybean meal in aquafeed. In soy protein concentrate, the anti nutritional
components are eliminated. Compared to fishmeal, soy protein concentrate has advantage
of high protein and amino acids digestibility co-efficiency, readily available and consistent
Literature studies demonstrate that soy protein concentrate is a good alternative to fishmeal
in shrimp and fish diets. In shrimp diet, 40% of fish meal can be replaced by soy protein
concentrate without negative influence on growth performance. In fish, 40-100% of
fishmeal can be replaced by soy protein concentrate. In conclusion, soy protein concentrate
is a good protein source for aquafeeds.


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Cómo citar

Dersjant-Li, Y. (2019). The Use of Soy Protein in Aquafeeds. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de