Fishmeal replacement research for shrimp feed in Australia


  • D.M. Smith CSIRO Marine Research
  • G.L. Allan NSW Fisheries
  • K.C. Williams CSIRO Marine Research
  • C.G. Barlow Queensland Department of Primary Industries

Palabras clave:

Feeding and nutrition – crustaceans, diet composition


The global expansion and intensification of aquaculture has brought with it an increasing
requirement for formulated feeds. Feeds for carnivorous fish and shrimp contain a large proportion
ingredient of marine origin, particularly fishmeal. However, despite the continuing increase in demand for
fishmeal, world fishmeal production is unlikely to increase further. The identification and development of
alternative feed ingredients that can replace fishmeal is recognised as an international research priority. A
nationally coordinated research program in Australia has evaluated a wide range of ingredients produced by
Australia’s agricultural industries. Information has been obtained on the chemical composition, apparent
digestibility (AD) and subsequent assimilation and utilisation of each of the ingredients evaluated. The
research focused on three key warmwater species endemic to Australia: the omnivorous marine crustacean,
black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon; the euryhaline carnivorous fish, barramundi or Asian seabass Lates
calcarifer and the freshwater omnivorous fish, silver perch Bidyanus bidyanus. Across the three key
species, the AD for crude protein was highest for fishmeal though the more refined, high-protein ingredients
of plant origin were equally well digested. The AD of energy was relatively low in ingredients with a high
carbohydrate or fibre content. Dehulled lupins (L. angustifolius) and high-protein, low-ash meat meals were
found to have the greatest potential to replace fishmeal in shrimp diets. Meat meal can replace about half of
the digestible crude protein, and dehulled lupins can replace a quarter of the digestible crude protein, in a
shrimp diet without significantly affecting biological performance, provided that the balance of the crude
protein in the diet comes predominantly from high quality ingredients of marine origin. When the diets
contain these ingredients of marine origin at inclusions of at least 50, specific feeding effectors do not
appear to necessary to maintain the palatability of the diets.



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Cómo citar

Smith, D., Allan, G., Williams, K., & Barlow, C. (2019). Fishmeal replacement research for shrimp feed in Australia. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de

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