Role of Marine Metabolites in Shrimp Growth, Production and Disease Prevention


  • Anuj Nishanth Lipton Pondicherry University
  • Joseph Selvin Pondicherry University
  • Seghal Kiran Pondicherry University
  • Aaron Premnath Lipton Manonmaniam Sundaranar University

Palabras clave:

Disease management, growth promoter, immune enhancer, marine metabolites, shrimp aquaculture


This review consolidates the recent information about the global aquaculture production status of fish and
shellfish. Research reports on common and emerging microbial diseases of cultivable species of shrimp are
narrated together with resultant reductions in productivity. The harmful effects antibiotics usage in shrimp
aquaculture and consequent effects on the species as well as ecosystem are highlighted. The in vitro and in
vivo tests of extracts containing metabolites isolated from marine macroalgae, sea grasses and invertebrates in
restraining the proliferation of disease causing microbes are presented. The metabolite bearing marine species
and methods of extraction of marine metabolites are concisely indicated. Studies on unique bacteria
associated with the metabolite - bearing marine organisms, their identity and their significance in metabolite
production are essential for future research and developmental activities in aquaculture and pharmaceutical
applications. The administration of marine metabolites in the post larval and juvenile shrimps as feed additive
for controlling the common microbial diseases such as vibriosis together with essential administration
protocols are reported. Many of the tested marine metabolites are of immense use as they increased the
survival of farm reared shrimps and their growth rates. The resultant specific growth rate attained together
with survival contributed to the significant increase in production. Perusal of literature indicated that marine
secondary metabolites isolated from marine macro algae and sponges exhibited immune enhancing activity in
shrimps in a non specific manner when administered as a feed ingredient.


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Lipton, A. 2017. Role of Marine Metabolites in Shrimp Growth, Production and Disease Prevention. En: Cruz-Suárez, L.E., Ricque-Marie, D., Tapia-Salazar, M., Nieto-López, M.G.,

Villarreal-Cavazos, D. A., Gamboa-Delgado, J., López Acuña, L.M. y Galaviz-Espinoza, M. (Eds), Investigación y Desarrollo en Nutrición Acuícola Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo

León, San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, México, pp. 498-522. ISBN 978-607-27-0822-8.


The authors are thankful to the University authorities for providing facilities and

encouragement. Dr APL is thankful to the UGC, New Delhi for providing Emeritus





Cómo citar

Nishanth Lipton, A., Selvin, J., Kiran, S., & Premnath Lipton, A. (2017). Role of Marine Metabolites in Shrimp Growth, Production and Disease Prevention. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de

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