The Effects of Animal or Plant-Based Diets on Energy Partitioning in Selected Ontogenetic Stages of the Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei


  • Gérard Cuzon COP-Tahiti, IFREMER
  • Abelardo Brito Posgrado de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, UNAM
  • Luis Jiménez-Yan Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Roberto Brito Universidad Autónoma del Carmen
  • García Tomás Unidad Multidisiplinaria de Dcoencia e Investigación de Sisal, UNAM.
  • Gabriel Taboada Unidad Multidisiplinaria de Dcoencia e Investigación de Sisal, UNAM.
  • Gabriela Gaxiola Unidad Multidisiplinaria de Dcoencia e Investigación de Sisal, UNAM.


juveniles at low dietary protein under laboratory conditions showed a feasible way at least in terms of weight
gain (0.60 versus 0.47g live weight for PL52 raised on animal and plant diets respectively). L.vannamei is a
promising species from this point of view to examine ontogenetic variations of its performance whether
receiving animal or plant-based diets. Also, it is interesting to follow the performances of juveniles on a
monotonous dietary treatment or with a drastic change between plant base (2.5g weight gain) and animal base
diets (3.1g weight gain). It is the purpose of this work because data are presented at larval and postlarval stages.
Performances can be produced in terms of recovered energy for larvae (5.2 J/larvae/day), and it helps to propose
the range of variation larvae exhibited while fed both dietary treatments and measure in particular digestible
energy intake (1.1J/larvae/day at Zoea I), feces production on a basis of 82% digestible energy, ammonia
excretion (0.02 J/larvae/day) and respiration (0.48J/larvae/day). Postlarvae required between 1 and 3J/Pl’s /day
that is in agreement with findings on other peneid species. Final assessment is made on a possible improvement
in terms of energy expenditure in the two situations (PA and PV) and for the main periods of the life cycle
(larvae, Pl’s, juveniles and pre-breeders). Energy demand is increasing with development stages and values will
be used to explore a model of feed distribution which should be adequate to maintain animals in optimum
growth with a minimum wastage and a maximum water quality. Moreover, it is of importance through the
energy expenditure in both cases (PA and PV) to see up to which extent animals are going to sustain on all plant
diets while keeping performances (recovered energy in a range of 10-20% for juveniles) to get enough growth
rate with a minimum of animal marine protein utilisation as a main source for this species.


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Cómo citar

Cuzon, G., Brito, A., Jiménez-Yan, L., Brito, R., Tomás, G., Taboada, G., & Gaxiola, G. (2019). The Effects of Animal or Plant-Based Diets on Energy Partitioning in Selected Ontogenetic Stages of the Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de

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