Optimization of Feed Peas, Canola and Flaxseed for Aqua feeds: the Canadian Prairie Perspective
Supplies of marine fish oils and fish meal are limited and continued growth in aquaculture production
dictates that substitutes must be found that do not compromise fish performance and product quality. When
selecting potential vegetable protein and lipid sources as substitutes for fish meal and fish oil in coldwater
aquatic diets, protein and energy availability in addition to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids must
be considered. Literature studies demonstrate that further processed plant protein and energy ingredients
are good alternative feed ingredients for aquatic species.
Worldwide, Canada is one of the largest producers of field peas, canola and flaxseed with the greatest
amount of production occurring in Saskatchewan. Enhanced market opportunities for the use of peas,
canola and flaxseed, either locally or abroad, would be beneficial to producers in western Canada. The aqua
feed industry provides a unique opportunity for processed pulse and oilseed crops since feeds for use in
aquaculture are the fastest growing sector of the animal feed industry worldwide.
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