Characterization of Insulin-Like Peptides and Their Relation to Molt and Metabolism of the Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei


  • Ana Gutiérrez Centro Nacional de Acuicultura e Investigaciones Marinas
  • Julie Nieto OMARSA Aquaculture Group
  • Francisco Pozo Centro Nacional de Acuicultura e Investigaciones Marinas
  • Luc VandenBosch Department of Animal Physiology and Neurobiology
  • Sofie Van Soest Department of Animal Physiology and Neurobiology
  • Liliane Schoofs Department of Animal Physiology and Neurobiology


Insulin-like peptides are key regulators of metabolism, reproduction, and senescence in higher eukaryotic organisms.
They have been described in different invertebrates, including nematodes, molluscs, and insects. Insulin-like peptides
have also been detected in some decapod crustaceans, where they may display typical insulin effects. On the basis
that common biological function may be related to a similar structure, we searched for an insulin-related substance in
the shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and further investigated its function. An IGF-I-like molecule was detected in
neurosecretory cells of the brain and thoracic ganglion in shrimps at different molt stages. Furthermore, we
demonstrated that ILP did not differentially stimulate ecdysteroid secretion as it is observed in some insect species.
An in vivo assay was performed and the results revealed that injections of heterologous insulin/IGF-I increased the
glycogen contents of gills and digestive gland from intermolt animals (fasting state), suggesting that an endogenous
ILP may display a conserved function in decapods. Moreover, cloning and sequencing of a cDNA from hemocytes
revealed that the sequence code for a precursor similar to the Insulin-like Growth Factor binding proteins. A
quantitative real-time RT-PCR study revealed the presence of LivIGFBP-related peptide transcript in a variety of
tissues, including nervous tissues, gills, and muscle, brain, thoracic ganglion and nerve cord. In addition, the
expression of this transcript differs according to the animal’s size, suggesting a possible role in growth regulation.



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Cómo citar

Gutiérrez, A., Nieto, J., Pozo, F., VandenBosch, L., Van Soest, S., & Schoofs, L. (2008). Characterization of Insulin-Like Peptides and Their Relation to Molt and Metabolism of the Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Avances En Nutrición Acuicola. Recuperado a partir de